Monday, April 03, 2006

It's been a long week

I got back yesterday from KinnerNet 2006, a long-weekend-long unconference camp organized by Yossi Vardi. Long days, short nights, lots and lots of fascinating people, and tons of intellectual stimulation. Some physical stimulation too, as I was trying to avoid being hit by a water gun, misguided missile or a hostile robot.

I attended so many fascinating discussions during this weekend, both during the sessions and one-on-one. Topics ranged from blogging to online advertising, business models, MMO, culture jamming, standards, SEO, digital photography, swarms, economics, robotics... cool.

The Marker's COM.VENTION conference started immediately following KinnerNet, with many of the KinnerNet participants attending this one as well. I attended only a small part of it (someone gotta code around here!), and was pleasantly surprised to hear that Yedda, the startup I'm involved in, was selected as one of the 10 most promising startups in Israel in 2006!

And now, that we've been selected as "promising", all we need to do is deliver the promise :)

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